I went to Target on Friday to do the dreaded swimsuit shopping. I have had a few rag tag combos for the last few years, and I have to wear a little crop top over mine if there are men around. I've never been much of a pool person, but we have neighbors with a pool, they have parties a lot, and it was about time I had something decent to wear.
There were no screams of disgust coming from my dressing room. I actually exited with a little smirk on my face, carrying not one but two new swim outfits! I'll call them outfits because they have a lot going on under wraps. Spanx swimwear takes a bit of jumping and shoving to get into, but the results are amazing.
Now that I am all ready for my public, the weather turned cold and our swim party today will be more of a jeans and long sleeves affair. But I am ready for summer now! Come on you hundred degree days, I've got my Spanx and a crow bar and I'm ready to start shoving myself into submission.
SPANX Line of Swimwear