Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Moldovan Wedding

 Modovans know how to have a party, and their weddings are certainly fun occasions. Last night we attended the wedding of Irina and Sasha and had a blast. We left at 1 a.m. and there was no indication that things were slowing down. We heard the dancing went on until 3 a.m. The bridesmaids and the bride had not slept at all the night before, I honestly don't know how they manage it. My Western European/Scandinavian genes just aren't made for it.

The food is served family style
Not exactly fit for vegetarians, but we managed
Quail performing the Chicken Dance

Irina and Aleksander
She wore them almost the whole day
There are these huge venues in Sacramento that cater to different cultures. This wedding reception was held at one that is for Russian weddings. Last year we attended a wedding at a place for Eritrean and Ethiopians, and there are huge facilities for Vietnamese receptions as well. You could drive right by them and never know they were there. This one was like a village plaza, complete with lamp posts and sky.

While the food is abundant and yummy, the dancing really takes center stage. The program includes games and contests, definitely not a stuffy evening. The ceremony was at the hall at noon, and then we went home and changed into evening clothes for the 6 pm reception. Ernst went to another party they are having tonight, and they'll get together again tomorrow. These people continue to amaze me. I keep waiting for their stamina to rub off, but for now I need a whole day just to recover from last night.

Here is a video from my dinky camera of some of the games and dances.