Monday, June 6, 2011

The Rootin' Tootin' Janome HD1000

Imagine the scene. A wife comes up from behind when her husband is on the Internet. He quickly tries to hide the screen, but it is too late. She saw. She saw that her husband was trying to surprise her with a new sewing machine!!!!!

We got a ton of Amazon points from our China plane tickets. Ernst wanted very much to get himself a PS3, but instead he decided to get me a new sewing machine. I think this is mostly for his own sanity, he must be tired of me complaining and fussing as I tear out seams.

What was so cool about ruining the surprise was that I got to pick out my own machine. The mid-priced one I wanted was not offered on Amazon, and rather than go cheap, we kicked it up a notch. I am now the proud owner of a Janome HD1000, the HD standing for heavy duty.

When I say Janome HD1000, I like to use a strong southern drawl, and of course the emphasis goes on the 1000. Like a farmer bragging about a new tractor, I just love saying it. Let's hope it sews as well as it rolls off my tongue.
Squares cut out for a memory quilt

The down side? There will be nothing to blame my mistakes on now. It is all on me, this is no excuses sewing. The pressure, the stress, the high expectations. And to think, I once started making quilts to relax!

I am currently sewing up the Buddy Quilt for Homeward Bound, and then comes this memory quilt. It is shaping up to be a really pretty shabby chic look with lots of pretty blues and pinks. Not to mention lots of denim for the Janome HD1000, yes sirree Bob.

Janome HD1000 Heavy-Duty Sewing Machine with 14 Built-In Stitches