Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The ABC Quilt

All ready for sewing
the snipped side of this rag quilt
the smooth side
The little school themed quilt turned out very cute and was a breeze to put together. All the corners cooperated except one stubborn one. A few slashes with my trusty seam ripper put that uprising down in a hurry. I'm in a quilt making mood again, but the garden beckons. The sun shines, the weeds are growing and my very sad veggie garden needs major work before spring planting can even be imagined. We had a week of lovely pounding rain that put a little dent in this very dry winter. I'm ready for some more rain, because working wet soil is a big no no. I love to be advised not to work in the yard.


This will read: Made for Our Schools, By Squared Up on Etsy, Spring 2012
I think I got this from my former co-worker, or maybe from a garage sale? It's been around awhile and was just perfect for the ABC school theme. Eventually my fabric purchases end up finding a quilt they belong in. I've managed to get myself quite the stack of fabric out in the garage and maybe it's the dryer lint, but I think it's multiplying. Never shove fabric in a big plastic tote. Scary things happen. Back-breaking piles of fabric breed in the dark spaces of a linty garage.

Somehow Little Vest Girl's feet ended up sewn into the seam Wizard of Oz style. Let's hope she wasn't the Wicked Witch of the Vest.
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