Friday, March 16, 2012

I have a vested interest in this quilt


My mom always says, "It's best to start with a clean deck!" Well, my sewing deck was not too clean lately and it was affecting my whole attitude about starting another quilt. We've been so busy with work and field trips and colds and an enormous datebase project for our congregation. The first room to go to the dogs is the sewing/office/bill collecting/junk mail piling up room. When the room that gets all the junk gets bad, then the overflow starts clogging up the rest of the house like a traffic jam. Now that our life is somewhat back on track, my sewing table is a clean deck. Time to start a new project.

Last year we attended a fundraiser for the Woodland School District where my husband works. We both had a DUH! moment when we saw the donated items for the silent auction - I could have made a rag quilt. I've been squirreling away some fabric for a year now. and it's time to make that DUH moment history. Every day my husband comes home from work, there is more news of budget cuts and money drama. He got his preliminary pink slip, which we hope will only be a some sort of sick scare tactic? I don't understand the politics involved but all I know is that schools need our support; so here is my part to help out the Woodland Schools Foundation 2012 Burgers and Brew Fundraiser.

I found this funky project fabric to make a school themed vest, which probably no child in the country would be caught wearing to school. Very kitschy, perfect for a school themed rag quilt. There is some cute ABC fabric, some polka dots and checks plus two never used floral pillow shams from the Goodwill. Let's hope I don't have to bump up the price with my own bids to avoid this thing not selling at the silent auction.


This part of the fabric showing the finished vest project is just a bit too creepy. I wouldn't want to be relaxing on the couch with my lap blanket and have this Girl Scout Cookie Policewoman staring up at me. So little Vest Girl, you're going to end up on the cutting room floor.
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