Tomorrow will be two weeks since my
Baha Attract implantation surgery. They put a screw and a magnet in my head. I sort of thought I'd feel way better at this point. The dissolvable sutures have dissolved in some places, and in others have decided to stick around and torment me. How can little tiny bits of string against my head be so incredibly painful? I don't know, but they are. But nothing called dissolvable can last forever, so I'm being hopeful.
During my recovery I planned on doing so many things.
Productive things. Concrete things. Things that would have lasting value to my life. Like finally tackling our "Photo Situation" that I really should have gotten to by now.
But alas, head pain makes for anything involving productivity go flying out the window. I sat around a lot. I watched a lot of aimless stuff on YouTube.
I started a YouTube channel? (It's called All Squared Up and it's pretty dorky at this point.) I picked up the dog toys. I managed to clean the house enough to have some guests from Romania. I ate way too much vegan junk food that my friends brought me, and really must get back on the
raw food wagon. Mostly I just got thru it, slowly increasing my activity until last night when it all came crashing down and I came home from a party and got in bed and whimpered. My husband got out his magnifying glass and bravely removed a few of my more irritating dissolvable sutures, and I think I can go on with my life now.
I did attempt to eat healthy through this.
Until the vegan treats arrived. |
We started a really hard Wentworth puzzle. |
I asked my husband to take pictures of my head.
It's really weird having a wound you can't see. |
I did some gardening. |
Our street got repaved!
Beep, Beep Beep.
All. Day. Long.
But it looks so nice. |
Our congregation put on a big luncheon in Yuba City.
I helped, as in organizing one giant rice cooking palooza. |
This was the menu.
Orez is the Romanian word for rice. |
We had a terrible cucumber beetle infestation.
I just walked away. |
We found out my head really has a magnet in it! |
Gazpacho was made! |
Cute boys were babysat! |
An amazing movie was attended! |
Hair was assessed.
Amazing how that bald spot is covered by my long layers.
Amazing. |
Super Hero party? Sure, I'll go as a mermaid in jeans.
Along with Aqua Dog, and a lobster in my hair. |
One more luncheon to prep for, and we can put these last two weeks in the history books.
Onward to my Baha Attract activation in a few more weeks! |