Monday, August 20, 2012

Cute things at my Mom's house

What do you know, it is not humid here in New England. I just love how green and lush it is here - love love love it. But with summer greenery comes rain and humidity. I don't do well in hot humidity. It brings out the beast in me. So although I was looking forward to seeing the family, I was questioning my sanity about visiting here in August.

I've hit a week of perfectly lovely weather. The only downside, and I can certainly live with this one, is that the fire flies are thinking it's not hot and humid enough to do their amazing miracle dance. As cute as they are, I'll take the cool dry weather.

Shed Happens, New England style

My brother and sister-in-law built my mom this adorable little shed. They aren't finished yet, trim and window boxes with flowers are to come. I'm having serious shed envy.

My mom's backyard

We went fabric shopping for my little buddy's rag quilt

Just a random Connecticut house. Man it's pretty here.