Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Come on Doppler, Go Green

When it rains, I'm happy. 
When it pours, I'm even happier.

Winter isn't my favorite season, but rain is my favorite weather event. And usually, a Sacramento Valley winter means rain. December means rain. Something is wrong this year, because I have yet to put on my favorite bright yellow rain coat - the one that has the Moldovans calling me The Little Duckling. Yes, we had some great rain this early fall, but that didn't count because the Yellow Duckling Coat was still put away for the season.

Here is Doppler for today-

We need green. Full on green. Everything is getting wet beautiful green. The air is fresh and all the plants are happy green. The ski slopes are white green. The grass won't be brown green. The weather people aren't blue green. Folsom Dam is full green. Please turn green you ugly grey map, if only for the Yellow Duckling Coat.

Doppler photo courtesy of the Sacramento Bee.