Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Jeanne Jean Gene?

The Jean Quilt

Well, that certainly took forever. First I had the grand idea to do a quilt with all denim on one side. Very cute, but a workout! I broke two denim needles in the process of sewing this together.

Bright idea number 2: just pile the top squares on the bottom squares, don't put batting and don't sew them with an X. Never again. It looks cute when it's done, especially on the denim side, but it made for some tricky maneuvering come sewing time.

My snipping scissors needed sharpening and then were held hostage by the sharpening place. I had to borrow my neighbor Carmen's - she always bails me out of my quilt quandaries.

I had a biopsy in the middle of this whole thing and wasn't supposed to do anything much, as in don't heave a wet denim rag quilt in and out of the washer and dryer and outside to snip. I probably should not have been down on my knees in the garage unscrewing the lint trap of the washing machine as the water poured out into a pan. I really tried to be good. I haven't vacuumed in five days - and it shows.

Jeans on the bottom, cute shirts on top

So this will go down as the Never Again Quilt, which is a shame because it is really darling. I used up all the jeans I didn't like, or that had "issues." The top is some bright colored shirts mixed in with blue and white dress shirts. It put out a mess of quilt gunk, but that means the fraying is wonderful. Never again, I just need to keep repeating it, never again...

The Very Un-Jeanne Quilt

By the way, this quilt is not named after my mom Jeanne. My mom has never worn a pair of jeans in her entire life. Nor has she worn anything denim, ever. She is way too elegant for such fabric. I don't know what happened to her daughters, because we did not get the Jeanne No Jeans Gene.