Friday, October 14, 2011

Squared Up's First Craft Fair

My first craft fair is tomorrow, and I won't even be there. I heard about a little carnival at Mission Avenue School and it has very reasonable vendor fees. Some friends who knit scarves have been wanting to do a craft fair with me, but we are scared of the professional ones like Second Saturday. This one is more our speed.

Make me money, Honey, and you are free to leave

I have an RBC weekend, so my friends very kindly are going to put my quilts with their scarves. I named the table Warm Necks and Cozy Laps, but we have no signs and I still have no business cards. I did made some new tags which turned out adorable, I must say. It would a little sad if they all went at once (HIGHLY unlikely, but one can always dream). I'm really attached to Ginger, the Cookie Quilt. Maybe naming them was a bad business decision; like how naming chickens makes them harder to eat.